Search Results: "rlb"

29 April 2015

Dirk Eddelbuettel: Finance-YahooQuote 0.25 hotfix

A hotfix release for the Finance-YahooQuote Perl module on CPAN is now available. Available Yahoo! Finance decided to change the base URL. My thanks to Nicola Chiapolini who not only noticed but also sent me the one-line patch fixing this:
---      2010-03-27 01:44:10.000000000 +0100
+++       2015-04-29 11:31:20.407926674 +0200
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 $VERSION = '0.24';
 ## these variables govern what type of quote the modules is retrieving
-$QURLbase = "";
+$QURLbase = "";
 $QURLformat = "snl1d1t1c1p2va2bapomwerr1dyj1x";        # default up to 0.19
 $QURLextended = "s7t8e7e8e9r6r7r5b4p6p5j4m3m4";        # new in 0.20
 $QURLrealtime = "b2b3k2k1c6m2j3"; # also new in 0.20
If need be, edit your file by hand. This change in Finance-YahooQuote will also affect Beancounter and smtm both of which use this module. The fix has been pushed to Debian for the corresponding package and to PAUSE for CPAN package. Having maintained this since 2002 in RCS, I also just created a GitHub repo for it where development/maintenance will now happen.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

30 January 2015

Dirk Eddelbuettel: littler 0.2.2

max-heap image A new minor release of littler is available now. Several examples were added or extended: See the littler examples page for more details. Another useful change is that r now reads either one (or both) of /etc/littler.r and ~/.littler.r. These are interpreted as standard R files, allowing users to provide initialization, package loading and more. Carl Boettiger and I continue to make good use of these littler examples (to to install directly from CRAN or GitHub, or to run checks) in our Rocker builds of R for Docker. Full details for the littler release are provided as usual at the ChangeLog page. The code is available via the GitHub repo, from tarballs off my littler page and the local directory here. A fresh package has gone to the incoming queue at Debian; Michael Rutter will probably have new Ubuntu binaries at CRAN in a few days too. Comments and suggestions are welcome via the mailing list or issue tracker at the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

19 December 2014

Dirk Eddelbuettel: Rocker is now the official R image for Docker

big deal Something happened a little while ago which we did not have time to commensurate properly. Our Rocker image for R is now the official R image for Docker itself. So getting R (via Docker) is now as simple as saying docker pull r-base. This particular container is essentially just the standard r-base Debian package for R (which is one of a few I maintain there) plus a mininal set of extras. This r-base forms the basis of our other containers as e.g. the rather popular r-studio container wrapping the excellent RStudio Server. A lot of work went into this. Carl and I also got a tremendous amount of help from the good folks at Docker. Details are as always at the Rocker repo at GitHub. Docker itself continues to make great strides, and it has been great fun help to help along. With this post I achieved another goal: blog about Docker with an image not containing shipping containers. Just kidding.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

23 October 2014

Dirk Eddelbuettel: Introducing Rocker: Docker for R

You only know two things about Docker. First, it uses Linux
containers. Second, the Internet won't shut up about it. -- attributed to Solomon Hykes, Docker CEO

So what is Docker? Docker is a relatively new open source application and service, which is seeing interest across a number of areas. It uses recent Linux kernel features (containers, namespaces) to shield processes. While its use (superficially) resembles that of virtual machines, it is much more lightweight as it operates at the level of a single process (rather than an emulation of an entire OS layer). This also allows it to start almost instantly, require very little resources and hence permits an order of magnitude more deployments per host than a virtual machine. Docker offers a standard interface to creation, distribution and deployment. The shipping container analogy is apt: just how shipping containers (via their standard size and "interface") allow global trade to prosper, Docker is aiming for nothing less for deployment. A Dockerfile provides a concise, extensible, and executable description of the computational environment. Docker software then builds a Docker image from the Dockerfile. Docker images are analogous to virtual machine images, but smaller and built in discrete, extensible and reuseable layers. Images can be distributed and run on any machine that has Docker software installed---including Windows, OS X and of course Linux. Running instances are called Docker containers. A single machine can run hundreds of such containers, including multiple containers running the same image. There are many good tutorials and introductory materials on Docker on the web. The official online tutorial is a good place to start; this post can not go into more detail in order to remain short and introductory.

So what is Rocker? rocker logo At its core, Rocker is a project for running R using Docker containers. We provide a collection of Dockerfiles and pre-built Docker images that can be used and extended for many purposes. Rocker is the the name of our GitHub repository contained with the Rocker-Org GitHub organization. Rocker is also the name the account under which the automated builds at Docker provide containers ready for download.

Current Rocker Status

Core Rocker Containers The Rocker project develops the following containers in the core Rocker repository
  • r-base provides a base R container to build from
  • r-devel provides the basic R container, as well as a complete R-devel build based on current SVN sources of R
  • rstudio provides the base R container as well an RStudio Server instance
We have settled on these three core images after earlier work in repositories such as docker-debian-r and docker-ubuntu-r.

Rocker Use Case Containers Within the Rocker-org organization on GitHub, we are also working on
  • Hadleyverse which extends the rstudio container with a number of Hadley packages
  • rOpenSci which extends hadleyverse with a number of rOpenSci packages
  • r-devel-san provides an R-devel build for "Sanitizer" run-time diagnostics via a properly instrumented version of R-devel via a recent compiler build
  • rocker-versioned aims to provided containers with 'versioned' previous R releases and matching packages
Other repositories will probably be added as new needs and opportunities are identified.

Deprecation The Rocker effort supersedes and replaces earlier work by Dirk (in the docker-debian-r and docker-ubuntu-r GitHub repositories) and Carl. Please use the Rocker GitHub repo and Rocker Containers from going forward.

Next Steps We intend to follow-up with more posts detailing usage of both the source Dockerfiles and binary containers on different platforms. Rocker containers are fully functional. We invite you to take them for a spin. Bug reports, comments, and suggestions are welcome; we suggest you use the GitHub issue tracker.

Acknowledgments We are very appreciative of all comments received by early adopters and testers. We also would like to thank RStudio for allowing us the redistribution of their RStudio Server binary. Published concurrently at rOpenSci blog and Dirk's blog.

Authors Dirk Eddelbuettel and Carl Boettiger

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

19 October 2014

Dirk Eddelbuettel: littler 0.2.1

max-heap image A new maintenance release of littler is available now. The main change are a few updates and extensions to the examples provided along with littler. Several of those continue to make use of the wonderful docopt package by Edwin de Jonge. Carl Boettiger and I are making good use of these littler examples, particularly to install directly from CRAN or GitHub, in our Rocker builds of R for Docker (about which we should have a bit more to blog soon too). Full details for the littler release are provided as usual at the ChangeLog page. The code is available via the GitHub repo, from tarballs off my littler page and the local directory here. A fresh package has gone to the incoming queue at Debian; Michael Rutter will probably have new Ubuntu binaries at CRAN in a few days too. Comments and suggestions are welcome via the mailing list or issue tracker at the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

23 June 2013

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2013/24-25

thanks to lucas & his trainees, we're seeing archive rebuilds & tons of new RC bugs again. besides that, there are still some patches in the BTS. here goes my list of recently worked on bugs; most of them in the pkg-perl group

15 June 2013

Gregor Herrmann: should I feel dirty now?

I've set up a windows machine yesterday (& today since this takes so long). on my own old laptop. at home. & it's running in my apartment. feels strange after living in windows-free apartments for quite some years. & I'm still not sure how I feel about it. the purpose of resurrecting my old laptop is to run a CPAN smoke tester. there are constant complaints in the perl community about the low amount of test reports from windows installations (& for older distributions, so I'm running CPAN::Reporter::Smoker with 'reverse' => 1, at least once). for the time being, I'm using non-free software to improve free software. let's see how this develops ps: I'm also running a CPAN smoke tester on my raspberry pi (under raspbian with a perlbrewed perl) since a few days. it's a bit slow but well :)

2 May 2013

Russ Allbery: Review: The System of the World

Review: The System of the World, by Neal Stephenson
Series: The Baroque Cycle #3
Publisher: William Morrow
Copyright: 2004
ISBN: 0-06-052387-5
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 892
This is the third book of the three-volume Baroque Cycle. I think you could, if you really wanted, read it without reading the previous volumes; Stephenson is certainly long-winded enough that you can pick up most of what's going on while you read. It's been a year since I read the second volume, and I only resorted to Wikipedia a couple of times to remember plot elements (and mostly from the first book). However, I wouldn't recommended starting here. Many of the character relationships, and most of the underpinning of the plot, is established in the previous volumes and given more significance by them. You would also miss The Confusion, which is the best book of the series, although none of this series rises to the level at which I'd recommend it except under specific circumstances. Quicksilver establishes the characters of Daniel Waterhouse, a fictional Puritan whose family was close to Cromwell and who became a friend to Isaac Newton in the days following the Restoration; Jack Shaftoe, a vagabond who wanders Europe in a sequence of improbable adventures; and Eliza, who becomes a friend to Leibniz and a spy for William of Orange. The Waterhouse sections are prominent in Quicksilver: full of the early history of the Royal Society, alchemy, and a small amount of politics. Of those three characters, Eliza is by far the most interesting, which meant that I was delighted when The Confusion dropped Waterhouse almost entirely and mixed Eliza's further story with more improbable but entertaining sea adventures of Jack Shaftoe. You will immediately sense my root problem with The System of the World when you hear that it is almost entirely about Daniel Waterhouse. While Eliza and Jack both appear, they play supporting roles at best, and Eliza's wonderful sharp intelligence and pragmatic survival skills are left out almost entirely. Instead, this is a novel about Waterhouse's return to England after spending quite a bit of time in the American colonies working on calculating machines. He is almost immediately entangled in dangerous politics from multiple directions: the precarious national politics in England near the end of the reign of Queen Anne, Isaac Newton's attempts to maintain the currency of England as Master of the Mint, and a bombing attempt that may have been aimed at him, may have been aimed at Newton, and may have been aimed at someone else entirely. Much of the book consists of an extended investigation of this bombing plot, skullduggery involving counterfeiters, and attempts to use the currency and the Mint as part of the political conflict between Whigs and Tories, mixed in with attempts to construct a very early computer (this is Stephenson, after all). Leibniz and Eliza come into this only as confidants of the Hanoverians. All this may sound exciting, and there are parts of it that hold the attention. But this book sprawls as badly as Quicksilver did. There's just too much detail without either enough plot or enough clarity. Stephenson tries to make you feel, smell, and hear the streets of London and the concerns of an idiosyncratic group of semi-nobles during one of the more interesting junctures of British history, but he does that by nearly drowning you in it, and without providing enough high-level guidance. For most of the book, I felt like I was being given a tour of a house on my hands and knees with a magnifying glass. It's a bad sign when the reader of a historical novel is regularly resorting to Wikipedia, not to follow interesting tangents of supporting material, but to try to get a basic sense of the players and the politics involved because the author never explains them clearly. If you're more familiar with the details of British history than I am, and can more easily follow the casual intermixing of two or three forms of address for the same historical figure, you may not have that problem. But I think other structural issues remain, and one of the largest is Waterhouse himself. Jack Shaftoe, and particularly Eliza, are more interesting characters because they're characters. They're not always particularly believable, but they attack the world with panache and are constantly squirming into the center of things. Stephenson's portrayals of Newton, Leibniz, the Duke of Marlborough, Sophia of Hanover, Peter the Great, and the other historical figures who show up here are interesting for different reasons: Stephenson has history to draw on and elaborate, and it's fascinating to meet those people from a different angle than dry lists of accomplishments. History has a way of providing random details that are too bizarre to make up; Isaac Newton, for example, actually did disguise himself to infiltrate London criminal society in pursuit of counterfeiters while he was Master of the Mint! Waterhouse, for me, has none of these advantages. He is an invented character in whom I have no pre-existing interest. He drifts through events largely through personal connections, all of which seem to be almost accidental. He's welcome in the councils of the Royal Society because he's apparently a scientist, but the amount of actual science we see him doing is quite limited. His nonconformist background allies him squarely with the Whigs, but his actual position on religious matters seems much less set than the others around him. What he seems to want, more than anything else, is to help Leibniz in the development of a computer and to reconcile Newton and Leibniz. And he's not particularly effective at either. In short, he has little in the way of memorable character or dynamism, despite being the primary viewpoint character, and seems to exist mostly to know everyone and be everywhere that's important to the story. He feels like an authorial insertion more than a character. It's quite easy to believe that Stephenson himself would have loved to be in exactly the role and situation that Waterhouse finds himself in throughout the book, in the middle of the councils of the wise and powerful, in just the right position to watch the events of history. I can sympathize, but it doesn't make for engrossing reading. Novels live and die by the strength of their characters, particularly their protagonists; I want more than just a neutral viewpoint. The third major structural problem that I had with this book is that I think Stephenson buries his lede. After finishing it, I think this is a book with a point, a central premise around which all the events of the story turn, and which is the philosophical culmination of The Baroque Cycle as a whole. But Stephenson seems oddly unwilling to state that premise outright until the very end of the book. For the first half, one could be forgiven in thinking this is a story about alchemy and the oddly heavy gold that's been a part of the story since The Confusion, or perhaps about foundational but forgotten work on computation that preceded Babbage by a century. But those all turn out to be side stories, sometimes even without a proper conclusion. I appreciate honoring the intelligence of the reader, and I presume that Stephenson would like to guide the reader through the same process of realization that the characters go through, but I think he takes this much too far and fails to make the realization clear. I'll therefore state what I believe is the premise outright, since I think it's a stronger book with this idea in mind: The System of the World is a continuation of the transformational economics shown in The Confusion into the realm of politics. Specifically, it's about the replacement of people with systems, about the journey towards Parliamentary supremacy, central banking, and the persistent state, and about the application of scientific principles of consistency and reproducibility to politics and economics (however fitfully and arbitrarily). Quicksilver was about the rise of science; The Confusion was, in retrospect, about the rise of economics; and The System of the World tries to be about the rise of technocratic modern politics, barely perceptible among the squabbles between Tories and Whigs. I think that's a fascinating premise, and I would have loved to read a book that tackles it head-on. That's a concept that is much more familiar from the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the context of Marxism, early socialism, technological utopianism, and similar attempted applications of scientific analysis to political and human behavior for the betterment of human civilization. Shifting that 200 years earlier and looking at a similar question from the perspective of the giants of the Enlightenment feels full of of potential. There are moments when I think Stephenson captures the sense of a seismic shift in how economies are run, knowledge is established, and civilizations are knit together. But, most of the time, it just isn't clear. There's so much other stuff in this book, and in the whole series: so many false starts, digressions, abandoned plots, discarded characters, and awkward attempts at romance (as much as I like the characters, Stephenson's portrayal of the relationship between Eliza and Jack is simply ridiculous and not particularly funny) that the whole weight of the edifice crushes what I think is the core concept. Stephenson is never going to be sparse. When you start a Stephenson novel, you know it's going to be full of chunks of partly digested encyclopedia and random research findings that may have nothing to do with the plot. But his best books (Snow Crash, The Diamond Age, even Cryptonomicon) have an underlying structure off of which all of those digressions are hung. You can see the bones beneath the flesh, and the creature they create is one you want to get to know. I'm not sure there are any bones here, and that may be the peril, for Stephenson, of writing historical fiction. I wonder if he felt that the structure of history would provide enough structure by itself that he could wrap a few plots around the outside of it and call it good. If so, it didn't work, at least for me. A lot of things happen. Some of them are even exciting and tense. A lot of people meet, interact, and show off their views of the world. A great deal of history, research, and sense of place is described in painstaking detail. But at the end of the book, I felt like I had to reach for some sort of point and try to retrofit it to the story. Lots happened, but there wasn't a novel. And that makes it quite hard to get enthused by the book. If you adored Quicksilver, I suspect you will also like this. I think they're the most similar. If, like I did, you thought The Confusion was a significant step up in enjoyment in the series and were hoping the trend will continue, I'm sad to report that it didn't. If you were considering whether to read the whole series and were waiting to see what I thought of the end, my advice is to give The Baroque Cycle a pass unless you absolutely love Stephenson's digressions, don't care if they're about history instead of current technology, and cannot live without 3,000 pages of them. It's not that they're bad books, but they're very long books, they take a significant investment of time and attention, and I think that, for most readers, there are other books that would repay a similar investment with more enjoyment. Rating: 5 out of 10

21 December 2012

Tim Retout: Perl Forking, Reference Counting and Copy-on-Write

I have been dealing with an interesting forking issue at work. It happens to involve Perl, but don't let that put you off. So, suppose you need to perform an I/O-bound task that is eminently parallelizable (in our case, generating and sending lots of emails). You have learnt from previous such attempts, and broken out Parallel::Iterator from CPAN to give you easy fork()ing goodness. Forking can be very memory-efficient, at least under the Linux kernel, because pages are shared between the parent and the children via a copy-on-write system. Further suppose that you want to generate and share a large data structure between the children, so that you can iterate over it. Copy-on-write pages, should be cheap, right?
my $large_array_ref = get_data();
my $iter = iterate( sub  
    my $i = $_[1];
    my $element = $large_array_ref->[$i];
 , [0..1000000] );
Sadly, when you run your program, it gobbles up memory until the OOM killer steps in. Our first problem was that the system malloc implementation was less good for this particular task than Perl's built-in malloc. Not a problem, we were using perlbrew anyway, so a quick few experimental rebuilds later and this was solved. More interesting was the slow, 60MB/s leak that we saw after that. There were no circular references, and everything was going out of scope at the end of the function, so what was happening? Recall that Perl uses reference counting to track memory allocation. In the children, because we took a reference to an element of the large shared data structure, we were effectively writing to the relevant page in memory, so it would get copied. Over time, as we iterated through the entire structure, the children would end up copying almost every page! This would double our memory costs. (We confirmed the diagnosis using 'smem', incidentally. Very useful.) The copy-on-write semantics of fork() do not play well with reference-counted interpreted languages such as Perl or CPython. Apparently a similar issue occurs with some mark-and-sweep garbage-collection implementations - but Ruby 2.0 is reputed to be COW-friendly. All was not lost, however - we just needed to avoid taking any references! Implement a deep copy that does not involve saving any intermediate variables along the way. This can be a bit long-winded, but it works.
my $large_array_ref = get_data();
my $iter = iterate( sub  
    my $i = $_[1];
    my %clone;
    $clone id   = $large_array_ref->[$i] id ;
    $clone foo  = $large_array_ref->[$i] foo ;
 , [0..1000000] );
This could be improved if we wrote an XS CPAN module that cloned data structures without incrementing any reference counts - I presume this is possible. We tried the most common deep-copy modules from CPAN, but have not yet found one that avoids reference counting. This same problem almost certainly shows up when using the Apache prefork MPM and mod_perl - even read-only global variables can become unshared. I would be very interested to learn of any other approaches people have found to solve this sort of problem - do email me.

5 April 2012

Dominique Dumont: My activities during Perl/QA hackathon in Paris

Hello Last week-end, I ve participated Perl/QA hackathon in Paris. Here s a short summary of the main activities during this week-end. I was not in the best of shape due to a nasty (biological) bug that wore me down before the hackathon. First of all, I discussed with rjbs about the bunch of debian patches I ve written for Software::License. These patches (and hacks) are used in Debian to provide licenses summaries in Debian::Dpkg::Copyright model to help write Debian copyright files. License management is boring but necessary. cme and Software::License help in making this task slightly less boring. Ricardo kindly suggested some modifications and agreed to include my patches. I implemented these modifications directly during the hackathon. The other tasks during this week-end were (not necessarily in that order): Many thanks to FreeSide who sponsored my travel, to the hackathons organisers and to all the participants for their welcome. All the best

1 April 2012

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2012/13

due to some new incoming RC bugs, this week was more devoted to fixing bugs in "our" (= the Debian Perl Group's) packages. here's the list:

29 August 2011

Mike Hommey: Extreme tab browsing

I have a pathological use of browser tabs: I use a lot of them. A lot is probably an understatement. We could say I use them as bookmarks of things I need to track. A couple weeks ago, I was saying I had around two hundred tabs opened. I now actually have much more. It affected startup until I discovered that setting the browser.sessionstore.max_concurrent_tabs pref to 0 was making things much better by only loading tabs when they are selected. This preference has/will become browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand. However, since I only start my main browser once a day, while other applications start and while I begin to read email, I hadn t noticed that this was still heavily affecting startup time: about:startup tells me reaching the sessionRestored state takes seven seconds, even on a warm startup. It also affects memory usage, because even when tabs are only loaded on demand, there is a quite big overhead for each tab. And more importantly, it gets worse with time. And I think the user interface is actively making it worse. So, to get an idea how bad things were in my session, I wrote a little restartless extension. After installing it, you can go to the about:tabs url to see the damage on your session. Please note that the number of groups is currently wrong until you open the tab grouping interface. This is what the extension has to say about my session 2 days ago, right after a startup: The first thing to note is that when I filed the memory bug 4 days earlier, I had a bit more than 470 tabs in that session. You can see 4 days later, I now have 555 tabs (if excluding the about:tabs tab). The second thing to note is something I suspected because it s so easy to get there: a lot of the tabs are opened on the same address. Since Firefox 4.0, if I m not mistaken, there is a great feature in the awesomebar, that allows to jump to an existing tab matching what you type in the urlbar. That is very useful, and I use it a lot. However, there are a lot of cases where it s not as useful as it could be. One of the addresses I visit a lot is It gives me the build status of the latest iceweasel package I uploaded to Debian unstable. That url is particularly known in my browsing history, and is the first hit when I type buildd in the urlbar (actually, even typing b brings it first). Unfortunately, that url redirects to through an HTTP redirection. I say unfortunately because when I type buildd in the urlbar, I get 6 suggestions for urls in the form (I also watch other packages build status), and the suggestion to switch to the existing tab for what the first hit would get me to is 7th. Guess what? The suggestion list only shows 6 items ; you have to scroll to see the 7th. The result is that I effectively have fifteen tabs open on that url. I also keep a lot of bugs open in different tabs. The extension tells me there are 255 of them for 166 unique bugs. Largely, the duplicate bug tabs are due to having these bugs open in some tab, but accessing the same bugs from somewhere else, usually a dependent bug or TBPL. I also have 5 tabs opened on my request queue. I usually get there by going to the bugzilla home page and clicking on the My Requests link. And I have several tabs opened on the same bug lists. For the same reason. When I started using tab groups, I splitted in very distinct groups. Basically, one for Mozilla, one for Debian, one for stuff I want to follow (usually blog posts I want to follow comments from), and one for the rest. While I was keeping up with grouping at the beginning, I don t anymore, and the result is that each group is now a real mess. Firefox has hundreds of millions users. It s impossible to create a user experience that works for everyone. One thing is sure, it doesn t work for me. My usage is probably very wrong at different levels, but I don t feel my browser is encouraging me to use it better, except by making my number of opened tabs explode to an unmanageable level (I already have 30 tabs more than when I started writing this post 2 days ago). There are a few other things I would like to know about my usage that my extension hasn t told me yet, either because it doesn t tell, or because I haven t looked: Reflecting on my usage patterns, I think a few improvements, either in the stock browser, or through extensions, could make my browsing easier: Maybe these exist as extensions, I don t know. It s hard to find very specific things like that through an add-on search (though I haven t searched very hard). [Looks like there is an experiment for the auto tab grouping part] I think it would also be interesting to have something like Test Pilot, but for users that want to know the answer to How do I use my browser? . As I understand it, Test Pilot can show individual user data, but it only can do so if there is such data, and you can t get data for past studies you didn t take. In my case, I m not entirely sure that, apart from the pinned tabs, I use the tab bar a lot. And even for pinned tabs, most of the time I use keyboard shortcuts. I m not using the menu button that much either. I already removed the url and search bar (most of the time) with LessChrome HD. Maybe I could go further and use the full window for web browsing.

8 August 2011

Joachim Breitner: Nicer URL formatting in LaTeX

To format URLs in LaTeX, one usually uses the url package (either directly, or indirectly via hyperref). By default, it typesets the URL in a mono-spaced font. Maybe this was a good idea some years ago, when URL were not ubiquitous. Today, I do not think they need neither the emphasis nor the explictit technical association that is caused by changing the font. And last but not least, mono-spaced fonts are very wide.
<embed src="" type="image/svg+xml" width="400">
So url offers the command \urlstyle. I prefer to set it to sf, because URLs tend to look better without serif. In the picture above (also available as PDF), that is the second line. But this still has issues: The double slash at the beginning is spaced out more than it should, given that, at least to most readers, http:// is a single entitiy. In addition, the underscore is far to wide (this only happens if you use the T1 font encoding). Hence I modified the typesetting of both the slash and the underscore to achieve the appearance in the third line. The code is derived from the one given on this blog post by Nei, with slightly less kerning of the slashes and with extending instead of redefining \UrlSpecials and the underscore handling added. Here is the full code for the picture given above, to use it you need to copy the part between and including \makeatletter and \makeatother into the preamble of your document:
\documentclass article 
\usepackage url 
\usepackage[T1] fontenc 
\usepackage[top=3pt, bottom=3pt, left=3pt, right=3pt, paperwidth=6.7cm, paperheight=1.6cm] geometry 
\begin document 
\url \\
\urlstyle sf 
\url \\
% Inspired by
% but slightly less kern and shorter underscore
\def\UrlSpecials \UrlSpecialsOld\do\/ \Url@slash \do\_ \Url@underscore %
\def\Url@slash \@ifnextchar/ \kern-.11em\mathchar47\kern-.2em %
\def\Url@underscore \nfss@text \leavevmode \kern.06em\vbox \hrule\@width.3em 
\end document 

Flattr this post

24 April 2010

Andreas Metzler: balance sheet snowboarding season 2009/10

Since we had little snow this year shows a negative trend. Less days spent snowboarding, less meters of altitude. In December and around christmas I basically went snowboarding instead of talking a walk, stopping after an hour or two. The first reasonable day was January 23rd. My season ended April 17th with a perfect day at Warth. Here is the balance sheet:
2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
number of (partial) days2517293730
Dam ls101051016
Warth/Schr cken03041
total meters of altitude12463474096219936226774202089
# of runs309189503551462
On good days I had problems stopping ;-), ending up with three 11000m+ days. Not included above is one day in Brand (with the company I work for, I also did this last year) and my very first time at Lech am Arlberg. The road from Bregenzerwald to Lech is usually closed in winter due to danger of avalanches which is what stopped me before. This year it was open for some time due to little snow. I had great day there, although the snow cannons did not manage to cover all rocks.

19 February 2010

Steve Kemp: If you were a comic book character, what character would you be?

I've been overhauling the way that I am host a number of virtual websites upon my main box. Partly to increase security, and partly for a cleaner separation or roles, ownership, and control. (In general everything on my box is "mine", but some things are "ours"...) After a fair amount of experimentation I decided that I wasn't willing or able to rewrite all my Apache mod_rewrite rules just yet. So my interim plan was to update each existing virtual host: To make it clear what the users were for I decided that every hosting-user would have an "s-" prefix. So the virtual host "" was initially going to be served by the s-static user. The thttpd configuration file would look like this, and would be located in /etc/thttpd/sites/
(I wrote a trivial script to stop/start all the sites en mass, and removed the default thttpd init script, logrotation job, and similar things.) How did I decide which port to run this instance under? By taking the UID of the user:
steve@skx:~$ id s-static
uid=1008(s-static) gid=1009(s-static) groups=1009(s-static)
With this in place I could then update the Apache configuration file from serving the site directly to merely proxying to the back-end server:
<VirtualHost *>
    # Proxy ACL
    <Proxy *>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    # Proxy directives
    ProxyPass          /   http://localhost:1008/
    ProxyPassReverse   /   http://localhost:1008/
    ProxyPreserveHost on
So was that all there is to it? Sadly not. There were a couple of minor issues, some of which were:
I have various cron-jobs in my main steve account which previously updated blog indexes, etc. (I use namazu2 to make my blog searchable.) I had to change the ownership of the existing indexes, the scripts themselves, and move the cronjob to the new s-blog user.
cross-user dependencies
I run a couple of sites which pull in content from other locations. For example a couple of list summaries, and archives. These are generally fed from a ~/.procmail snippet under my primary login. Since my primary login no longer owns the web-tree it is no longer able to update things directly. Instead I had to duplicate a couple of subscriptions and move this work under the UID of the site-owner.
I'm no longer running apache
For a day or two I'd forgotten I was using the apache facility to include snippets in my site; such as links to my wishlist. Since I'm not using Apache in the back-end server-parsed files no longer work. Happily I'm using a simple template-based setup for my main sites, so I updated the template-parser to understand "##include ./path/to/file". For example this source file produces my donation page. The upshot is my "static" site is even more static, which is a good thing.
uploads are harder
Several of my domains host entirely static content which is generated on my main desktop machine, and then uploaded via rsync post-build. I had to add some more accounts and configure SSH keys, then update the uploading routines/Makefiles appropriately. Not a major annoyance, but suddenly my sshd_config file has gone from "PermitUser steve,backup" to including many additional accounts.
The single biggest pain was handling my my mercurial repositories - overhauling that took a bit of creativity to ensure that nothing was broken for existing or new checkouts. I wish that a backport of mercurial-server was trivial because I'd love to be using that. In general though watching the thttpd logs has been sufficient to spot problems. I had to tweak things a little to generate statistics properly, but otherwise all is good. Why thttpd? Well small, lightweight, and the ability to run CGI scripts. Something missing from nginx for example. I'm still aiming to remove apache2 from the front-end - it is mostly just a dumb proxy, but it does perform some ACL operations and expand mod_rewrite rules. I could port those to another engine .. but not today. The most likely candidates are nginx, perlbal, or lighttpd - each of these should be capable of doing simple ACL checks, and performing mod_rewrite-like rules. ObFilm: Mallrats

28 January 2010

Biella Coleman: New Zealand, a photo-round up

kiwiwiwiwiw Kiwis have to be one of the cutest birds of all time. A bit chubby and clumsy looking, they are (to me, at least), walking, breathing icon of furry cuteness. Truth be told, I did not see one live in action during my recent trip to New Zealand, but I did see a Weka bird which is pretty similar. (Micah and I just consulted the Internets and agreed that we did in fact see cherubic Kiwi not a Weka. In fact, Micah almost ran one over on the west coast of the southern island but his quick reflexes born from years of saving servers while typing saved the bird. So as you can tell by now I finally got to go to New Zealand for a few weeks, even able to travel the south island before attending THE Linux conference of the region, LCA where I gave a talk (video to be posted when available). I jumped at the opportunity and was thrilled to find out that I could actually spend some time traveling around before the intense week long conference. So on January 5th I headed down with Micah to what I have found out is one of the windiest cities on earth ( Windy Wellington ) for a few days before heading to the south island to do a loop on the northern half of the island. I wanted to conquer the mountains made famous by a certain set of movies, but last semester was all about sitting in front of the computer, a sort of agonizing life of the mind, which did not prepare me physically for mountain trekking or as it call it there, tramping. So we decided to stick close to the coast (with one transalpine train that serenaded us through some awesome mountain passes) and hike along the coast, snorkel and swim, and kayak. After Andrew showed us around Wellington, we headed to the sea town of Kaikoura brimming with sea life, such as seals, dolphins, and birds. The two highlights there were our snorkeling trip and a hike along the peninsula. Originally we were going to go diving but I arrived to NZ with a head cold so we opted for the sinus friendlier version and snorkeled in the massive kelp forest, which was strikingly beautiful (I am used to tropical reefs and waters). There happened to be a lot of seals and given their curious nature, they would dart over right next to you and play. One seal I called him the twirler was chubby and mellow and twirled next to me for a long while. The lady seals were sleeker and faster and liked to dive deep down and the zoom up and surprise you. As someone who has spent a lot of time underwater, I found it fun and weird to be with animals that pay attention to you given that most of the sea life ignores you. The hike in Kaikoura was fantastic as well. You go high on a bluff and stare down at this water sparkling with the most beautiful blue hues brought out even more majestically by the white rocks. If I were to go back I would hike along the water and up above on the bluff. After a brief stopover in Christchurch to visit a friend, we took the transalpine train (across Arthur s pass) which was superbly beautiful and arrived on the west coast whose seas are far more rough, rocky, andtemperamental than on the east coast. The vegetation is lush as lush can be and you get the feeling that dinosaurs would have been a happy lot in these parts. The cool part about this area are the many rivers that feed into the ocean (we spent an afternoon swimming and exploring the caves in one) and then what are called the pancake rocks, which are odd geological creatures that really amaze. We then made our way to the Marlborough Sounds area, which includes the city of Nelson (apparently the sunniest in New Zealand) as well as many olive and grape vineyards in outlying areas. We spent some time in the Alpine lakes region hiking but more of the time on the coast. The highlight for me and it is a place I would love to go back to is the Abel Tasman National Park. We spent time hiking and kayaking there and you can even hike down the coast for 5-6 days (there are excellent camping facilities along the way). The coast is simply majestic with alpine like forest conditions (unfortunately a cool old tree whose name I can t remember is no longer common). This forest is situated along the most stunning waters, an electric but totally clear turquoise blue deceivingly inviting because the water was quite cold (but not as cold as the Oregon coast over the summer, which I went swimming in only once after weeks of bike travel). Along with the blue, parts of the coastal waters were a stunning clear green that I have never seen despite my many sea travels. If you ever plan on going to the South Island, I would not miss this area and might even try to spend a few days or more hiking the coastal trails and listening to the cool-as/sweet as birds, one of which has double vocal cords so it sings what sounds to be like totally electronic bird calls. We returned via the same ferry a massive 7 story ship from Picton to Wellington but the conditions were far far worse during our return trip. When we got out of the sounds, we hit the Cook Straight, notorious for being rough and tumble. And indeed, once we hit the waves, I felt like I was no longer in a boat but amusement park ride, the bow of the ship thrown high only to fall hard on upon the waves. It was sort of fun or fun for about 10 minutes until people, most especially kids, started yaking all over the place. It was really the most flagrant yakfest I have ever experienced (I mean it is a 7 story ferry, you can fit a lot of people on that boat) and that made the sail particularly difficult. I have pretty strong sea legs, never once getting sick sick during the year I spent at sea but massive yaking will bring out the sea sick feeling in even the hardiest of sea souls and I was thrilled to arrive in Wellington. Wellington is the only large city I spent any considerable time in and it is a pretty awesome one. The city center area is flat and by the water, with a magnificent area filled with museums, the national library, parks, breweries, and piers where kids like to jump off high things. The botanical gardens were the most beautiful I have been to and since I am a flower nut, I was in high heaven. In this area there are a ridiculous number of great coffee shops (NYC has a thing or two to learn as we don t have enough, I suspect it has something to do with insane real estate prices). The city is surrounded by hills populated by houses, some of the precipitously perched on cliffs that require lifts to get to! It was a wonderful home base for what was a sweet as conference (as they would say down there). And I hope to write about it sometime soon.

Biella Coleman: New Zealand, a photo-round up

kiwiwiwiwiw Kiwis have to be one of the cutest birds of all time. A bit chubby and clumsy looking, they are (to me, at least), walking, breathing icon of furry cuteness. Truth be told, I did not see one live in action during my recent trip to New Zealand, but I did see a Weka bird which is pretty similar. (Micah and I just consulted the Internets and agreed that we did in fact see cherubic Kiwi not a Weka. In fact, Micah almost ran one over on the west coast of the southern island but his quick reflexes born from years of saving servers while typing saved the bird. So as you can tell by now I finally got to go to New Zealand for a few weeks, even able to travel the south island before attending THE Linux conference of the region, LCA where I gave a talk (video to be posted when available). I jumped at the opportunity and was thrilled to find out that I could actually spend some time traveling around before the intense week long conference. So on January 5th I headed down with Micah to what I have found out is one of the windiest cities on earth ( Windy Wellington ) for a few days before heading to the south island to do a loop on the northern half of the island. I wanted to conquer the mountains made famous by a certain set of movies, but last semester was all about sitting in front of the computer, a sort of agonizing life of the mind, which did not prepare me physically for mountain trekking or as it call it there, tramping. So we decided to stick close to the coast (with one transalpine train that serenaded us through some awesome mountain passes) and hike along the coast, snorkel and swim, and kayak. After Andrew showed us around Wellington, we headed to the sea town of Kaikoura brimming with sea life, such as seals, dolphins, and birds. The two highlights there were our snorkeling trip and a hike along the peninsula. Originally we were going to go diving but I arrived to NZ with a head cold so we opted for the sinus friendlier version and snorkeled in the massive kelp forest, which was strikingly beautiful (I am used to tropical reefs and waters). There happened to be a lot of seals and given their curious nature, they would dart over right next to you and play. One seal I called him the twirler was chubby and mellow and twirled next to me for a long while. The lady seals were sleeker and faster and liked to dive deep down and the zoom up and surprise you. As someone who has spent a lot of time underwater, I found it fun and weird to be with animals that pay attention to you given that most of the sea life ignores you. The hike in Kaikoura was fantastic as well. You go high on a bluff and stare down at this water sparkling with the most beautiful blue hues brought out even more majestically by the white rocks. If I were to go back I would hike along the water and up above on the bluff. After a brief stopover in Christchurch to visit a friend, we took the transalpine train (across Arthur s pass) which was superbly beautiful and arrived on the west coast whose seas are far more rough, rocky, andtemperamental than on the east coast. The vegetation is lush as lush can be and you get the feeling that dinosaurs would have been a happy lot in these parts. The cool part about this area are the many rivers that feed into the ocean (we spent an afternoon swimming and exploring the caves in one) and then what are called the pancake rocks, which are odd geological creatures that really amaze. We then made our way to the Marlborough Sounds area, which includes the city of Nelson (apparently the sunniest in New Zealand) as well as many olive and grape vineyards in outlying areas. We spent some time in the Alpine lakes region hiking but more of the time on the coast. The highlight for me and it is a place I would love to go back to is the Abel Tasman National Park. We spent time hiking and kayaking there and you can even hike down the coast for 5-6 days (there are excellent camping facilities along the way). The coast is simply majestic with alpine like forest conditions (unfortunately a cool old tree whose name I can t remember is no longer common). This forest is situated along the most stunning waters, an electric but totally clear turquoise blue deceivingly inviting because the water was quite cold (but not as cold as the Oregon coast over the summer, which I went swimming in only once after weeks of bike travel). Along with the blue, parts of the coastal waters were a stunning clear green that I have never seen despite my many sea travels. If you ever plan on going to the South Island, I would not miss this area and might even try to spend a few days or more hiking the coastal trails and listening to the cool-as/sweet as birds, one of which has double vocal cords so it sings what sounds to be like totally electronic bird calls. We returned via the same ferry a massive 7 story ship from Picton to Wellington but the conditions were far far worse during our return trip. When we got out of the sounds, we hit the Cook Straight, notorious for being rough and tumble. And indeed, once we hit the waves, I felt like I was no longer in a boat but amusement park ride, the bow of the ship thrown high only to fall hard on upon the waves. It was sort of fun or fun for about 10 minutes until people, most especially kids, started yaking all over the place. It was really the most flagrant yakfest I have ever experienced (I mean it is a 7 story ferry, you can fit a lot of people on that boat) and that made the sail particularly difficult. I have pretty strong sea legs, never once getting sick sick during the year I spent at sea but massive yaking will bring out the sea sick feeling in even the hardiest of sea souls and I was thrilled to arrive in Wellington. Wellington is the only large city I spent any considerable time in and it is a pretty awesome one. The city center area is flat and by the water, with a magnificent area filled with museums, the national library, parks, breweries, and piers where kids like to jump off high things. The botanical gardens were the most beautiful I have been to and since I am a flower nut, I was in high heaven. In this area there are a ridiculous number of great coffee shops (NYC has a thing or two to learn as we don t have enough, I suspect it has something to do with insane real estate prices). The city is surrounded by hills populated by houses, some of the precipitously perched on cliffs that require lifts to get to! It was a wonderful home base for what was a sweet as conference (as they would say down there). And I hope to write about it sometime soon.

2 November 2009

Axel Beckert: Still happy with the ASUS EeePC 701

Recently Eric asked on the LUG Vorarlberg mailing list about netbook experience. I wrote a lengthy reply summarizing my experiences with the ASUS EeePC 701. And I thought this is something I probably should share with more people than only one LUG: I ordered an ASUS EeePC 701 (4G) with US keyboard layout at digitec in Spring 2008, got it approximately one month later and posted a first resum after one month in my blog. I m still very happy with the EeePC 701, despite two commonly mentioned drawbacks (the small screen resolution and the small SSD which I both don t see as real problems) and some other minor issues. What mattersNice to haveWhat doesn t matterWhat s not so niceSimilar models Technically, most of this also counts for the EeePC 900SD (not 901) which only differs in screen, resolution and disk size as well as CPU, but not on the the case. So same size, same robustness, same battery, same mainboard, bigger screen, resolution, disk and faster CPU. (The 901 has a different CPU, a different battery, and a different, glossy and partially chromed case.) See Wikipedia for the technical specifications of all EeePC models. ASUS only big FAILure Stopping to sell most EeePCs with Linux and cowardly teaming up with Microsoft after having shown big courage to come out with a Linux only netbook. Well, you probably already know, but it s better without Windows So basically you no more get these really neat netbooks from ASUS anymore and you get nearly no netbooks with Linux from ASUS in the stores anymore. It s a shame. Would I buy it again? Sure. Well, maybe I would also buy the 900SD or 702 (8G) instead of the 701, but basically they re very similar. See Wikipedia for the differences between these EeePC models. And of course I still prefer the versions without Windows. But despite the low price, the EeePC 701 is surprisingly robust and still works as on the first day (ok, except battery, the mouse button bar and the n key ;-), so I recently bought a second power supply (only white ones were available *grrrr*) and ordered a bigger third party battery plus an adapter to load the battery directly from the (second) power supply without EeePC inbetween. What desktop do I use on the EeePC? None. I use ratpoison as window manager, uxterm, urxvt, and yeahconsole as terminal emulators (running zsh with grml based .zshrc even as root s login shell :-), wicd-curses as network manager and xmobar (previously dzen2) with i3status as text-only panel. Installed editors are GNU Emacs 23, GNU Zile and nvi. (No vim. :-) And of course a netbook wouldn t be a netbook if it wouldn t have a lot of network applications installed. For me the most important ones are: ssh, scp, autossh, sshfs, miredo, conkeror, git, hg, and rsync.

25 March 2009

Francois Marier: Promoting your Free Software Project

After spending a considerable amount of time releasing your Free Software project to the public, you will probably want to make sure that it reaches as many of the people it could be useful to as possible. Here are a few tips to get you started.
Homepage: Is this software for me?The first thing you will probably think about is to create a homepage promoting your project. There are a lot of good tips on how to create an effective homepage, but I will focus here on the contents that you should include.

Screenshots are one of the most important elements you can include on your homepage. First-time visitors will only spend a few seconds on your site before deciding whether or not the information is relevant to them. You need to be able to summarize in a few pictures what your project is all about.

Would you be willing to read long white papers or to go through long build instructions just to find out that this software isn't going to be useful to you after all? Probably not. Make sure you can help users figure this out in a few seconds, even if your software lacks a graphical user interface.

Of course you will also want to describe the project in a few words and provide links to the source code and other services you may have available.
Hosting ChoicesWhere to put your contents is somewhat of a personal choice but there are a few things to keep in mind.

First of all, depending on the size of your project and its related data, the hosting site should may need a significant amount of storage and bandwidth. Furthermore, you should check whether download statistics are collected by your hosting provider. While not strictly necessary, it can be very motivating to watch these numbers go up!

Free Software hosting sites like Google Code, Source Forge and LaunchPad also provide different services like bug trackers and source control repositories.

Some people prefer a distributed approach to source control and issue tracking to avoid trusting their master copy of the data to a third party. Setting up a separate code repository on sites like Github or Gitorious is an option to consider.

All of these hosting providers promote the software they host to varying degrees. Have a look around before deciding where you should park your project.
Announcing your ReleaseFinally, what would a website be without other sites linking to it? The obvious place to start would be the main search engines, but that in itself is unlikely to bring much traffic in the early days of your project.

Sites dedicated to Free Software are more likely to bring visitors to your shiny new project. The most famous place for Free Software release news is Freshmeat. Whether or not you visit this site regularly, you should know that its contents is widely read and syndicated and you should not pass on this great opportunity to let people know about your software.

Other directories that may be of interest include the Free Software Foundation Directory and Ohloh (especially if you offer a publicly available source code repository).

Now that the word is getting out, it's time to start thinking about supporting these new users!

9 December 2008

David Moreno: High-Order Perl available for free

My friend Marco first told me on IM, then I read it on PerlBuzz. The nice High-Order Perl book by
Mark Jason Dominus is now available for free (as in free beer) at its website. This book caught my attention a long time ago on a Barnes & Noble once, but since I had just too many book on queue, I decided not to buy it. I then read that it’s actually a good book on “advanced” techniques on Perl, so my interest grew, but for random reasons I just didn’t get it. Now I have no excuses not to, and either do you :)

